For the new logo, the SoFloFooodie team wanted to include their unicorn rainbow cheesecake—the dish that shot them to fame. I decided to replace the unicorn with the cheesecake, and gave the utensils a more rounded shape to impart a playful vibe. I thought the rainbow colors on the cheesecake were on point for the brand since most of their content consists of indulgent, colorful desserts and fun, summery destinations.

Since the brand relies heavily on videos for their content, I made sure to include an animated logo so they could use it to open or close their videos.

These are some sample applications I created for them. You may view the banner live on their website. They also produced shirts and hoodies with their logo so the photo above shows the actual shirts.

They also wanted GIFs that they or their followers could use on Instagram. These are searchable on most social media platforms, just type 'soflofooodie' in the search engine to find them.